Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Its been so long since I last posted an entry. Time really flies. Its already Feb and I'm out of the service. This time I'm not in the mood to even talk about games. Maybe next time I guess.

Sometimes in life you reach a stage where life is just a standstill. You don't know what to do, why are you still living or what do you need to do to go forward. Life isn't exactly going really well, at least thats what I'm feeling.

Its been disappointments after disappointments. Sometimes it just gets really tiring and I have no idea why. Maybe is like what Edmond said, its cause I was really that sincere? I don't know. Its been over a month already I should be feeling better now, but I still feel just as miserable as the first day. I've tried so many ways to forget the past and carry on. Shoved myself with so much work I felt I couldn't breathe, booze till my world goes blurry and I turn happy, gym till stupidly enough I now have injuries. I must be the dumbest guy in the world.

Looks like enough ranting. Continue sommore I'll most probably go crazy. Its time to let things go and let history be history. Hopefully things will get better soon. Its tiring to keep thinking about it when you don't want to~